A good green glazed faience ushabti, moulded in mummiform, wearing a tripartite wig and plaited divine beard. The face is well defined with large "cheeky" grin, the arms crossed on the chest, hands protrude from a shroud to hold a flail in each fist, the right hand also holding a twisted rope connected to an seed sack behind the left shoulder. Vertical column of incised text at the front reads: "Illuminate the Osiris, overseer of the army Horkhebi, born of Hathor ".
Shabti were figures placed in ancient Egyptian tombs in order to serve the deceased in the afterlife. They hold objects (in this case flails and a basket) that they will use to work, and are carved with inscriptions; usually a passage from the Book of the Dead.
Condition: Intact and in excellent condition with no chips, cracks or breaks, custom mounted.
Dimensions: Height: 5 inches (12.7 centimeters)
Provenance: Private NJ collection, acquired in the early 1980's, thereafter private Virginia collection acquired in 2013.